Friday, July 12, 2013

Finding Fiction Friday - Denysé Bridger

Today on Finding Fiction Friday, I have the distinct privilege of interviewing Denysé Bridger.  Denysé is one of the more prolific writers I know, and has been recognized for her achievements more than once.  Plus, she is just an awesome person.  

Denysé has been signed with over a dozen publishing houses, winning the prestigious title of Best Author of 2012 from the Predators and Editors site. The best-selling author has been nominated for and won numerous awards. Never confined to one genre, she writes in many and has garnered a loyal audience over the past decade.

How did you get started writing?
           I’ve told this story a few times but it seems to entertain, so here we go. I fell into writing in an offbeat way over 30 years ago. I was fed up to the eyes with the way my favourite television show was progressing, so I decided to write my own story for it. I’d never heard of fan fiction at that time, but I did decide to send it off to Hollywood as a gift for the actor I liked so much. 13 days later the phone rang late at night and imagine my shock when I found myself talking to the actor in question! He said he’d read the story on a break, and it was better than what they were filming that week. I was totally stunned. He encouraged me to keep writing, and told me I had a talent for it. When I showed the story to another friend, she introduced me to fanzines and wanted to publish the story. That began a 20 year training period that was a blast, and taught me a lot about writing in general.

We know what your bio says.  Tell us one thing about yourself that you think might surprise us.
          Most people find it hard to believe two things about me – my age, and then my shyness. I’ve learned to push myself to be out-going because it’s so necessary in this line of work, but I’m painfully shy, and it frequently scares me into a panic to have to be so public for the work.

Do you remember what it was like, the feeling you had when you learned you were being published for the first time?
          It was exciting, but also totally shocking to me because I’d entered a writing contest at the very last minute, and never expected to win. I had decided not to enter this thing, I don’t like writing competition at all. But, 48 hours before deadline, the idea fell into my mind and wouldn’t let go – I wrote 13K in less than 24 hours, edited it the following day, got it proofread, then sent it in hours before the deadline. Three weeks later, the email came... I haven’t stopped since.

You’ve been a pretty prolific writer.  What genres have you covered, and is there one in particular you haven’t tried yet that you’d like to?
          At the moment, I can’t think of a genre I’m drawn to but haven’t written, even in a small way. At the moment, according to my website, I’ve covered: Action, Adventure, BDSM / Dom's, Contemporary, Dark Fantasy, Erotic, Fairytale, Fantasy, Greek Mythology, Historical, Historical Western, Holiday, Horror, Ménage, Mystery, Non-Erotic, Paranormal, Pirate, Romance, Sensual, Suspense, Thriller, Vampire, Victorian Mystery, Voyeurism, Western...

Of the books you have written, do you have a particular favorite?
          I have a couple that I think are better than others, but if I was pushed to really pick a favourite, it would be the two that are The Devane Files. They’re Victorian era mysteries, with a sensual romance running through them. The hero, Police Inspector Michael Devane is a clairvoyant opium abuser, and a very unorthodox investigator who’s haunted by the Ripper murders. He was part of H Division.

“Out of the Past” seems to have gotten a bit of attention lately, especially for that stunning cover.  Can you tell us a bit about that story, and the cover as well, how that cover was put together?
          The novel is one of the rare ones I’ve done in recent years. It is three very unique stories that are all wholly a part of a bigger picture. Each one is independent when you begin reading, but by the end of the book, they’ve merged and each dovetails seamlessly to form the last section of the novel. If any of the three stories were removed or altered, the novel would fall apart, so it was a real challenge. The cover is Kayden McLeod’s genius. All I did was pick an image from some she’d sent – and I chose the lady in red... the rest... Kayden’s vision.
          I think it’s very cool that the cover has won contests, and has gained so much attention for Kayden’s work.

What else do you have cooking in that brain for the future?
          *laughing* At the moment, I’m still working on getting 2012 projects done, but in a nutshell, I have a genie story almost ready, four stories committed to Ellora’s Cave, three coming from New Dawning before year’s end, my next release with Noble Romance is an erotic historical western called Champagne and Chocolate. That doesn’t even begin to cover the three new novels that are plotted and waiting, and one very special novella inspired by a wonderful friend who’s a model. Just for starters... J

What about being published and the book industry in general has most surprised you?
          Sadly, there are many things that have proven to be very discouraging and disillusioning about the publishing industry. The blatant lack of professionalism is an issue I have a difficult time with on a daily basis. Computers have made almost everyone think they’re writers, and the truth is, many who publish are NOT writers that would have ever been published 25 years ago. The standard has declined radically with the emergence of quick and easy internet publishing.
          Then there is the new breed of author who is wholly preoccupied with themselves and shows no respect or support for other authors. Forums and sites devoted to trashing your peers and your publishers, all in the name of informing the unsuspecting and innocent are just bullshit in my opinion. Here again we have the lack of professionalism and respect. What happened to showing a little sense, and directing your business issues to the people involved, not bitching on the internet? Career suicide seems to be afflicting many these days.
          It’s professional and only good manners to actually READ what a publisher wants before you submit, and then submit it in the correct format. All of this marks you as a professional who cares. (Ending my rant here, or I’ll go on for paragraphs...)

What other things besides writing do you have going on that keep you busy?
          I’m a full-time care-giver, too, so my days are very full. When I have rare down time, I like to watch old shows, read a lot, philosophy at the moment. I bake, and I love to walk in the local park.

To close the interview, I have ten questions for you, plus one.  Here they go!

What is your favorite word? Love
What is your least favorite word? Hate
What turns you on? Intelligence
What turns you off? Ignorance
What sound or noise do you love? Laughter
What sound or noise do you hate? Loud car stereos
What is your favorite curse word? Shit!
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Architectural Design
What profession would you not like to do? Nurse
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Welcome home.
What question have you never been asked, that you wish someone would ask you? If you were told tomorrow was the last day you had to live, and you could spend it any way you wanted–what would you do with that final day?  Answer: I’d spend the day at a cabin in the mountains, by a lake, with someone who challenges me and makes me feel like life really is an incredible gift that is more beautiful when it’s shared with a person who wants nothing more than to be with you. And this is not necessarily a lover, obviously.

Denyse, thanks so much for spending time with us.  Can you let us know where to follow you, and where we can go to purchase your work?
Thank you so much for having me as your guest, Aaron. I’m everywhere, but the main sites are:

Fantasy Pages (general):
Bound by Passion (adult content):
Sensual Treats Magazine:

Since I publish with ten publishers currently, the best place to find my work is to check out my books page on my website:

Pictured books: 

Bella Signorina:

The Devane Files: Out of Hell:

The Devane Files: An Unspoken Betrayal:

Out of the Past: eBook:


Patricia and I can also be followed here:    Facebook              Twitter


Rudy and Trish are the main characters in our two published short stories in the "Evernight: Romance in a World of Darkness" anthologies.  You can get to know them as well as get 23 other great stories!  Here's where you can find them:

Evernight Volume 1:   Amazon       XoXo          ARe

Evernight Volume 2:   Amazon       XoXo          ARe


  1. Thank you so much for inviting me to be your guest today, Aaron. If anyone has any questions or comments, I'll be checking in several times.

    Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by to visit me here!!

    Hugs, Denyse

  2. Another lovely and informative interview. Denyse is one of my favorite authors (with Out of the Past at the top of my list).

  3. Thanks so much, Diane. I've read a few of yours that were pretty awesome, too!! Nice to see you, and thanks for dropping in. :)

  4. Excellent interview Aaron! already know how I feel about you and your books. Much love sweets!

    1. Thanks, Nikki. And thanks for coming by and sharing the love, babes. You're the best. Love you, too.
