Today I am very excited to bring you someone whose writing I've greatly enjoyed and now finally the rest of you do too. Please join me and welcoming author and poet Torie James to Finding Fiction Friday ... first a brief self-introduction ...
Torie is the "other" voice of me, Teri McGlade (nee Schuffert), brought to life before she was even ten years old but given a voice in her teen years. I've always loved reading since I could hold a book (just ask my mother!) and writing is just a natural extent of that for me. One of my favorite quotes is "If you haven't read a book yet about something you want, then WRITE it". Welcome to my world...Wonderland has nothing on the stories dancing through THIS head.
Torie, how did you get started writing?
Funny as it seems,
I can’t remember a time I wasn’t writing in some form or another. As a child, I
had such a fantasy world in my head already and it was a natural extension to
simply put it all down on paper. And if conventional paper wasn’t to be found,
I can assure you napkins, toilet paper, flyers, advertisements and *cough
cough* the inside of some books even knew the feel of my pen or pencil.
However, I have to say I was 17 years old before I considered the notion, in
earnest, to undertake writing in a more serious manner. No shame in admitting a
lot of seniors in my high school got GREAT marks in Creative Writing during
fall semester. And if they ever read this, they know who they are. A few of you
still owe me $5. Just saying.
You are an avid role player and have been for some time,
taking characters that have been started and giving them a depth and
personality beyond what we’ve seen from them before. What from that experience are you able to
translate into writing for publication?
Role play intensified an already smoldering desire to have
a voice that people heard, possibly identify with. I like taking characters
that seem one dimensional and unlikable and telling “their” story as I feel
and see it. I’ve always said that some of the most brilliant writers are
anguished souls who have walked through hell itself in their personal lives,
only to come out on the other side with soulful transformation. EVERYONE has
layers. Good, bad…..all about point of view. And rooting around in role
playing, taking on the guise of another being, honed my skills, I think. Twenty
years ago, anything I wrote was raw and unfinished. For me, I had to live life first, experience
some things and through role playing, I was able to try those experiences out
to see how well people, how well readers, could identify with “me.” Writing for
publication, this time around, has been easy, fluid. Sometimes painful and
terrifying. Which makes it real. I was lacking reality before in my characters,
I see that now.
What about being published and the book industry in general
has most surprised you?
I am surprised, and pleased, to see so many authors and
publishers, both on line and standard print, trying to help one another out
these days. I’ve been in the publishing industry myself for several years, copy
editor and moving up to assistant editor at my last job, and I can say in all
honesty, it was far more cutthroat in an office environment. Oneupmanship ran
rampant. But I’ve been blessed to meet some amazing people, fellow writers,
artists, editors, in the last year, who want to share the largesse of their
experience and bounty with others. I am proud to count myself among that
So you’ve got your first publication, in the poetry book “Whispers in the Dark”, a collaboration with a pair of other authors, Stacy Moran and Ashley Nemer (who was our first guest in this series as it turns out). Tell us about how this book came to be and what it’s like becoming published for the first time.
Ashley(and Stacy are more than just fellow writers, they
are my friends, too. So it just happened to be that shortly after Blood Purple
(Ashley’s premiere novel) was released that she asked me if I’d be interested
in perhaps doing a poetry book with Stacy and herself. I was thrilled and
honored and we set about right away to compile some of our works. What
surprised me was that we are three distinctly different personalities, with
different life experiences and yet our poetry collaboration has a cohesive
feeling to it. Being published the first
time? It’s a dream come true. However, I am kept firmly in line and not letting
it go to my head. I still have to do laundry and take out the trash like everyone
else. I just look for lurking paparazzi
now. I kid!
What’s the biggest difference to you between writing poetry
and writing a narrative?
I used to think there was a world of difference between the
two, honestly. I loved to spout off how, when writing poetry, you were baring
you soul, your darkest thoughts, the essence of all you were. Having hit my
forties, I realize that was just a childish perspective. Writing narrative
verse can be just as enlightening, even more so since in a narrative, you’re
afforded more of a opportunity to reveal the complex, and adversely simple,
layers we all possess. Outside of not having to use precise punctuation or
grammar in poetry (Thank you, T.S. Eliot), they are more alike than different.
I understand you are working on a novel. Tell us a little about that story, and do you
have a working title?
I am! I just finished it a month or so ago and am still
polishing it up with edits. My beta’s are on standby and harass me daily. It’s
called “Timeless Night”, a contemporary paranormal romance with a dash of magic
and some of our fangy friends. Except in the world I’ve created, actual
vampires are little more than cast offs from the Walking Dead. What my
protagonist and his crew are remains to be actually, fully revealed. Yes, they
have fangs. No, they don’t sparkle. Yes, they drink blood. But with a twist
that I won’t let onto just yet. I’ve planned several more books to follow this
one, each one drawing the reader a bit deeper into the mythos. What I can say
is that involves Welsh mythology, Excalibur, Merlyn, Camelot and assorted
surprises. This isn’t your mother’s Round Table. The first book spotlights
Alexander Lakeland, a thousand year old warrior, once known as Lancelot. Yes,
THAT Lancelot. He’s been the guardian of an ancient prophecy, all alone in this
last crusade. Until he meets Sabrina Foxworth, a sassy, vulgar modern day woman
who bears the mark of Merlyn. Only one other being bore that same symbol in the
same spot…his dead wife, Vivianne. Or as history remembers her, The Lady of the
Lake , in Arthurian legend. Not everything was
a myth….
Do you have any other upcoming works or even just ideas
bouncing around in your head?
I do! The New Camelot series (which Timeless
Night is the first of), then I have another idea for a second series of books
about some key figures in history who weren’t what they seemed. I also have
plans for a several short stories I’m working on AND a book about The Tudor
Dynasty, which I’m obsessed with.
What is your push, or your “muse”, that makes it a need for
you to write?
Some people need to breathe. I need to write. It’s a serious
living, breathing thing to me. I write something, every day, without fail.
Whether its notes for a book, jotting down ideas, research or role play, I make
sure to leave something behind. It’s as simple as this: I can’t NOT write. It’s
a physical and mental need with spiritual comfort.
What does your family think of your writing career so far?
They are ALL so supportive! My sister, Wendy, is my cheerleader
and Mom, Bonita, is the coach. Every day she asks if I’ve finished my edits.
It’s a wonderful feeling to have that filial backing. Although, with or without
it, I’d still be writing. It’s just nice I can have discussions with my mum, an
avid romance reader, shooting things by her.
- What is your favorite word? {Egregious. Don’t judge.}
- What is your least favorite word? {Later.}
- What turns you on? {Books.}
- What turns you off? {Mayonnaise}
- What sound or noise do you love? {The sound of rain.}
- What sound or noise do you hate? {The bark of dachshund at 2am.}
- What is your favorite curse word? {Fuck. And thank you. I’ve been holding it in since the beginning of this interview.}
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? {Jedi. Or Sith.}
- What profession would you not like to do? {Anything that involves Port-a-Potty}
- If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? {Shit. We’re just letting anybody in these days, huh?}
- What question have you never been asked, that you wish someone would ask you? {Teri, if I dump Kate, will you be my Princess? And by the way, my answer to William would be “maybe”.}
Torie, thanks so much for spending time with us. Can you let us know where to follow you, and
where we can go to purchase your work?
Aaron, thank YOU for
having me, it was such an honor! I can be found my own author Facebook page at:
I also can be followed on Twitter at:
And this just in: My new website that’s still being fine tuned:
And if anyone is interested in Whispers in the Dark, here’s
the link on Amazon!
(And a note from me, Aaron, look for Timeless Night coming soon ...)
Rudy and Trish are the main characters in our two published short stories in the "Evernight: Romance in a World of Darkness" anthologies. You can get to know them as well as get 23 other great stories! Here's where you can find them: