This week on "Finding Fiction Friday" I'm very pleased to present a first for me ... our first Young Adult author is here on the blog to talk about his work and experiences. So please join me in welcoming Kennedy Streath to our little abode here on the internet ...
Kennedy Streath writes with gritty realism,
exploring that intersect where the paranormal and the suspension of disbelief
take a back seat to the power of the spirit and the raw edges of conflicted
souls. He moves to the backbeat that’s a heartbeat, blending action, suspense
and intensely sensual romance.
Kennedy lives in the country with horses to
ground that spectre of disquiet that haunts us all and holds to a belief in the
promise of the young and young at heart.
Kennedy, how did you
get started writing, and what did it feel like when you learned that your first
story had been accepted for publication?
My day job always included a lot of writing, technical
writing to be exact (and if you think that’s not terribly creative, you should
try it sometime, you might be surprised). But before writing, I was a reader
(books, cereal boxes, ads on the el, graffiti), then came basketball and
puberty. Cue large gap for growing and self-actualization. It wasn’t until the
advent of email as a serious form of communication that I rediscovered the
Muse-of-storytelling, typing little homilies to entertain co-workers or friends
or family (my boss was on the To: list and enjoyed the stories also, so big
whew). That was followed by the inevitable: oh,
you should be a writer… Strangely enough, the corollary: and we will buy whatever you write was
never part of that compact (fellow authors are nodding their heads in
I prefer writing ‘short’, a condition inherited from my tech
writing roots with just the facts, ma’am
as the order of the day. However, once I understood ‘channeling’ and allowing
those voices in my head free rein, well… short became long and a novel was
That said, my very first acceptance was a contemporary
romance of the romcom variety with a conditional woohoo attached: bump the heat
from behind closed doors to melt linoleum. [Did you know there’s a thesaurus
for erotic words?]
All I can say is … this writing gig ain’t for the faint of
What’s your favorite
writing environment? At a desk, on the
couch with your feet up, music or not, etc.?
The living room. Why? It’s close to the refrigerator, in
front of the 42” flat screen/DVR/stereo. Basically, he did it in a Barcalounger
with a laptop and a wireless mouse. Accessorize with an iPod and sound deadening
earphones, a beverage and a long attention span.
Writing’s hard. There’s no need for the body to suffer.
What about being
published and the book industry in general has most surprised you?
In the beginning there were the Big Six and we had gatekeepers
and the gatekeepers were wise and savvy about the market and editors were
treated like rock gods and authors made squat but had bragging rights.
In the beginning an author who published could crow, “I am a
published author,” and s/he had street cred, a cache, respect, and an honored
place amongst the literati [some might say ‘when pigs fly’ but that’s only one
opinion among many].
That was then, this is now: writing as craft now takes a
secondary, even a tertiary place to promoting and marketing and branding and
fan-building. Not that old time authors didn’t do their fair share in terms of
signings or library appearances, newspaper articles, perhaps appearances on
college campuses, but today the bulk of your time is spent in those activities trying
to outshout a din of voices clamoring for the 19% of the population who
actually read a book (the average number of books, depending on the survey,
appears to be about two a year).
In truth, the biggest surprise is that the odds of hitting
it big in a literary sense are about the same as hitting the Powerball lottery
(maybe less).
‘They’ say: continue writing, write a good book…
My question is: if I write a good book but no one knows
about it … is it still a good book?
So you’ve got your
first publication, the book “Roman”, the first book in the “Saints and Sinners”
series. Tell us about this book and what
it was like writing a Young Adult paranormal book.
Roman (Saints and
Sinners) is foremost a book about belief and the consequences we face when
choices are thrust upon us at times when we are least able to understand or
handle them.
In a dying town, two teens marked by the townspeople as
broken struggle with the burden of lies masquerading as truth. Not even a man
of faith is strong enough to hold back the coming darkness.
Fresh out of three years in juvie, the only friend Roman has
is Father Marcus. The priest convinced the court to remand the troubled teen to
Benedict Nowak's supervision. Roman has to keep his head down and his nose
clean. Not easy for a teen with anger management issues and a secret that could
lay waste to an intricate web of deceit and lies.
Roman has three strikes against him. His Hispanic heritage
makes him a target for racism and hate crimes. It's rumored his brothers have
ties to the Trinitarios and the Bloods, running drugs and guns down the
lucrative northeast corridor. The third strike is a well-kept secret, locked
away in the bowels of a bureaucracy unwilling to confront a threat that will
challenge even the bravest men of faith.
And only Roman and Father Marcus think they know why the boy
was set free...
At age five TJ had a choice. She chose wrong. For eleven
years she has been the whipping post for a woman with ice in her veins and a
single-minded devotion to her career. Her older brother, Anton, was the next
best thing to a parent until he chose service to country and left her to the
shrinks and a jailer masquerading as a housekeeper.
At age sixteen, TJ had another choice. She chose to pull the
plug, unwilling to watch the mother she hated suffer any longer. On the day
they buried the ice queen, TJ's father and Anton took her home to Montville to
rejoin the family that had discarded her like so much trash.
From her life on the tony Main Line in Philadelphia to the
sere wastes of Montville in the center of coal country, TJ's journey will be
more than just a culture shock.
Before Anton leaves to rejoin his squad in the Stans, he
warns her off the strange young man who lives atop her father's garage. She's
more than happy to oblige, except events force her to re-evaluate how she looks
at the arrogant and intriguing Roman Rincon.
For older young adults and adults, this story will take you
through a dark and perilous journey of the mind and heart. It will take you to
the place where more than faith will be tested when it comes time to choose.
What character, other
than the main ones, are you most excited for readers to meet in “Roman”?
TJ’s mother (the dead one) is one of my favorite characters
because her daughter’s experiences and memories of growing up dysfunctional and
emotionally abused by her inform not just the teen’s character but also drive
much of the plot. Eleanore made choices that reverberate and resonate with
Benedict (TJ’s father), the priest and even Anton, TJ’s brother.
Her character was also a challenge to write because much of
who and what she is/was has been filtered through TJ’s perceptions. We learn
more about actual events through Benedict (her dad), but his perceptions are
also skewed and tinged with anger, confusion and emotional conflict.
The next book in your
series is tentatively titled “Anton”.
Will characters from the first book appear in the second?
All of the characters from Roman recur in ‘Anton’, but with
the focus more on TJ’s brother and the consequences of aligning himself with
Father Marcus as a warrior against the powers of evil threatening to destroy
his world. As with TJ, Anton’s belief’s will be sorely tested, as will his
relationship with Marsha, the battle-scarred woman who is his center and moral
TJ’s friend from school, Manny, will also take on a pivotal
role as he vies for more than simple friendship with TJ.
And of course, there is Roman, as enigmatic as ever.
What do you feel is
the biggest thing to keep in mind when writing for Young Adults, other than the
obvious ones like keeping explicit sex to a minimum? What’s key to reaching that target audience?
Teenagers, young adults, have exactly the same concerns, the
same fears, misgivings, cravings, emotions, and conflicts as adults. In today’s
world they have a level of cognition and experiences I couldn’t conceive of at
that age. The YA ‘genre’ should never ‘dumb down’ a topic or a storyline just
because the reader is a teen. YAs love strong, conflicted characters who are
like them, who face the same problems they do (bullying, coming to terms with
their sexuality, with who/what they want to be, with parental and societal
expectations). And more than a ‘happy ending’, what they need is a measure of
hope and an acknowledgement that it’s alright to make mistakes, that learning
from those mistakes and moving forward is the best course of action. It might
be messy, it might not fit in the box, but if it’s ‘real’ it will resonate with
Do you have any other
upcoming works or even just ideas bouncing around in your head?
I sublet apartment space in my head to quite a cast of
characters, all with stories and all demanding face time.
I have two books on deck, aside from Anton (Saints and
Sinners). One is a M/M SciFi titled The Captain’s Consort and the other is a
Highland romance titled The Laird’s Ward.
I like writing in the paranormal and dark urban fantasy
genres because the rules do not require happy endings, the characters have
quite a lot of room for growth, the conflicts come hard, fast and unrelenting,
and there’s emphasis on action-adventure with a side of mystery and suspense.
What does your family
think of your writing career so far?
My son is my biggest supporter and he is the one I rely on
to keep me on the straight and narrow when it comes to continuity and
suspension of disbelief. He is my go-to beta reader, my first pass editor, and
most trusted critic.
The rest of the family? “That’s nice, dear.”
To close the interview, I have ten questions for you, plus
one. (Yes, this set goes to eleven.) Here they go!
- What is your favorite word? Write
- What is your least favorite word? Don’t
- What turns you on? Well-toned bodies.
- What turns you off? Vacuous giggles
- What sound or noise do you love? My horse chuffing in my ear
- What sound or noise do you hate? Brake retarders
- What is your favorite curse word? Fuck
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Rancher
- What profession would you not like to do? Walmart greeter
- If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? “You got it wrong about the molting, you know that, don’t you?” [If you read the book, this will make sense.]
- What question have you never been asked, that you wish someone would ask you? “Is Rowan gay?”
Kennedy Streath,
thanks so much for spending time with us.
Can you let us know where to follow you, and where we can go to purchase
your work?
Amazon Author Page:
Kindle US
B&N Nook
Rudy and Trish are the main characters in our two published short stories in the "Evernight: Romance in a World of Darkness" anthologies. You can get to know them as well as get 23 other great stories! Here's where you can find them:

Thanks so much for hosting me today, Aaron, and for prodding me into putting on the thinking cap, especially about what to keep in mind when writing for YAs.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great venue for authors so kudos to you.
I'm ready for coffee and questions...
I read saints and sinners last month and liked it a lot. Kennedy's writing is such that it make me like a genre that I usually wouldn't read. I recommend it and her.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lance, so happy you enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteWe think you rock, Kennedy. It takes chutzpah and talent to write on the level you do for a YA audience. Granted, it's an older YA readership, but do not coddle or allow crap, and I think the younger audience senses that and responds in kind.
ReplyDeleteThanks again this week, Aaron, for presenting a compelling author and asking some revealing questions.
I love Kennedy's writing - an excellent interview! I can't believe I've never asked, I'm an idiot. So, IS Rowan gay?