(See the trailer here ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwfCRAtkYEI)
Not only does the trailer look very slick, but I gobble up everything that J. J. Abrams does. Why? It's the writing. The guy just has a knack for storytelling, character development, and dialog.
In case you didn't realize it, here's a list of his writing or directing credits:
Regarding Henry
Forever Young
Gone Fishin'
Joy Ride
Mission: Impossible III
Super 8
Star Trek
All these credits had great characters. (I didn't even realize he wrote Regarding Henry, which was a great little movie, until I went to IMDB to make sure I didn't miss anything.) The stories were often complex, mysterious, well-developed, and really made you think. I don't expect Revolution to be any different.
His vision reinvigorated an icon (Star Trek), brought an American monster movie to life (Cloverfield), and kept us interested in a huge ensemble cast (Lost). And whatever you might have thought about the much-maligned series finale of Lost, I found it an incredible ending.
So check it out! It premieres September 17th.
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