Welcome to the Longclaws and Alien Agenda tour, by Steve Peek.

Steve, when did you first think about writing for
Technically, a neighbor gave me a toy printing press when I
was seven. Using little rubber, linotype
letters, I wrote and printed a neighborhood newspaper, but even then, being a
smart little guy those sixty years ago, I saw the internet and knew newspapers
had seen their day. From that point on
wherever my imagination put me as an adult:
lawyer, preacher, policeman, fireman, soldier, scientists, I always
wanted to be a writer. I began writing
game instructions for publication in the early 1970’s. Over a forty-year career in gaming someone
told me I had published over a million words.
My response was, ‘Where’s the money.”
I published my first traditional book in 1982, The Game Inventors
Handbook. I wrote off and own for the
next twenty years. Now I write full
Tell us one thing about yourself that you think might
surprise us.
During the course of my life I accumulated more than five
million frequent flyer miles. My butt
still hurts.
You had a long career in the game industry. Can you tell us a bit about that? How has that influenced your writing?
Writing game instructions are a lot of work, much like any
form of technical writing. The rules
require levels of testing to eliminate any ambiguity. I think eliminating the ambiguous is now
second nature.
First tell us about your book “Longclaws” and the premise
behind it.
Longclaws combines my research into parallel universes and
my love of horror novels. The basic idea
is that worlds are connected and during certain times and events, and at
certain places, gateways open. This
thinking came from my earlier book, Otherworld, I imagined a horrid world where
nothing survived many years. Everything
was both predator and prey every moment; to sleep was to die. I populated it with things from various
cultures universal myths and made them iconic prototypes of creatures we
believe to exist today. These creatures,
with their own societies and needs, cross into our world and all hell breaks
Then there’s your book “Alien Agenda”, please tell us about
that and the research that went into it.
Alien Agenda: Why they came, Why they stayed, was born from
the several hundred books I read while researching Otherworld. In those days, scientist didn’t talk about
parallel universes for fear of losing their place on the government grant teat,
the same as now with weather and such.
Anyway, the idea that aliens came from parallel universes and not
thousands of light-years away, led me to wonder why they came and then why did
they stay. It combines known historical
facts with UFO mythology in a way that makes it difficult for the reader to
know where facts end and fiction begins.
I call it Science Faction.
If there is one character you’ve written or are writing that
you would really like people to meet, who would it be and why?
One of the main characters in Longclaws is Royce Mason. He’s an old, World War Two veteran who has
experienced a lot of strange things during his life and has that country way of
allowing people to underestimate him.
When Longclaws was finished, I missed most of the main characters,
including the Longclaws.
Do you find it fun to “reimagine” historical events to match
them up to the narrative you want to bring to your readers?
Of course, how can I not like playing god? It is fun, but it is much more difficult than
it sounds if you do it so the combination is not only seamless, but logical to
the reader.
What about being published and the book industry in general
has most surprised you?
How quickly the powerful publishers have succumbed to the
internet without putting up much of a fight.
Is there someone you can point to as being your biggest
encouragement in moving forward with writing?
My great friend, Herbie Brennan. Author of more than a hundred published
books, Herbie’s constant encouragement and feedback kept me working on my darkest
What other things do you have bouncing around in your head
for the future?
I am editing a novel called Islands. (Working title). One day everyone who lives on a coast on any
land mass, wakes up and discovers new islands were none existed before. It’s a little bit end of the world in a
Douglas Adams sort of way.

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Buy Longclaws or Alien Agenda here
Tour arranged by The Finishing Faires