Steve Peek is guesting on the blog today, and will be the subject of Finding Fiction Friday on July 25 ....
Welcome to the Longclaws and Alien Agenda tour, by Steve Peek. Today, Steve is talking about mythology and the pervasiveness in our culture.
Myths and Me
Alexander Eliot had retired from Time magazine at thirty-nine and devoted the rest of his life to studying mythologies and their impact through the ages. He begins his book, Universal Myths, with these telling words: “Myths are never factual, but seldom are they totally untrue.”
Virtually every acknowledged authority on mythology has made a similar statement at one time or another. As fanciful and weird as myths seem, they appear to be rooted in some primordial reality.
How old are myths? The original myths were stories born of a time thousands of years before history was written. According to Eliot, Joseph Campbell, and others, these primal tales still invoke powerful responses. As long ago as 525 BC, Greek scholars suggested that since the original meanings of myths had been lost, we should look for hidden ones.
The search has continued ever since. Mythology reveals itself differently to different investigators. Historians find garbled histories of kings, wars, and migrations. Anthropologists dust off tribal imperatives and taboos. Psychologists see archetypes. Philologists point out the ancient roots of language. And so, under intellectual scalpels, these simple tales are cut to pieces, rather than examined as a whole. My exploration of myths led me toward the monsters.
The question that pulled me was: why would ancient peoples separated by thousands of miles and thousands of years develop the same universal myths dealing with esoteric things? The Sun, moon, stars, storms, volcanoes, earthquakes are examples of myths that should be born of every culture. But there are some myths that at first glance don’t appear to be to be nominees for Universal, but they are.
Vampires, shape shifters, ghouls and dragons appear in every ancient civilization’s library of legends. Why? Occam's Razor suggests they are present because they were real.
When I recovered from the realization that these and other creatures of the night may once had existed, indeed, they still may. The next question was where are they? Why are they so elusive? I discovered the answer in the 1980’s while working on the book Longclaws: Stone Gates Trilogy. The answer was found in quantum physics that suggested that for our universe to exist with its laws, then other universes must exist as well. In the thirty years since physicists continue to close in on the theory of everything and to get there they demonstrate over and over again that parallel universes must exists.
So, using my research of Celtic and American Indian myths I theorized that at certain times and places and in specific conditions, the gateways open and sometimes we humans cross into other worlds but sometimes the denizens of those unknown worlds cross into ours.
Longclaws: Stone Gates Trilogy is a tale of creatures from a cruel, unforgiving world crossing into our own. It incorporates many myths in a fresh way.
I know that in one of the infinite number of parallel worlds my books are selling well.

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Buy Longclaws or Alien Agenda here
Tour arranged by The Finishing Faires
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