Saturday, November 10, 2012

Our Interview with the "Lurker"

Tonight, Patricia Laffoon and I had a great time in an interview with the "Lurker" on Facebook ... here's a little piece of it ...

Wow! You two have such a history with each other, What inspired you two to write a story together, after so long as RP writers?
Tell us, how did this E-book come about? Can you tell us a bit about the story you two wrote in Evernight 2?
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  • Patricia Laffoon Well we started this out in Rp to tell you the truth one of our fellow members created a world of Pirates and well it was tailor made for a mermaid and her pirate lover. The E-book came out of those post together. I'll let Aaron tell you about his afternoon off...and how he surprised me...
  • Aaron Speca LOL ... yes well it was funny. First, "Heart of the Mermaid" is a prequel to "Tears of the Mermaid" from Evernight Volume 1. But both did get their origin from our ongoing story on that pirate page, where we completely rebooted our characters. So how did they get published? Well, I was home sick from work one day, and Allison Cassatta, who I had just become friends with, had a call for stories for an anthology she was putting together for XoXo Publishing (Evernight 1). I started thinking about our stories, and the pirates one had the best fit, I thought, for what she was looking for. The tricky part was finding a portion of what we had written that had the potential to stand on its own. I found that piece, and spent about two or three hours editing it to make it read more like a short story and sent it in. I was shocked when it was selected. A few weeks later, we were published authors. I didn't even tell Patricia about it until after I had already submitted it. 

    "Tears of the Mermaid" is about when Trish's betrothed discovers that Trish has fallen in love with a mere human. Rudy discovers them arguing and there is a lot of drama that ensues.

    "Heart of the Mermaid" turns back the clock to their first meeting, onboard the vessel that Rudy serves on, where Trish has snuck on board to obtain something for her father.

Want to read the rest?  You can find the whole interview here ... on these threads ... along with a trivia question ...

And you may continue to ask questions ... we will answer anything we get ...